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04 November 2005

Audible Tools And Podcast Advertising

According to an excellent post by Heather Green of Blogspotting - Audible a download audio company are launching some pretty nifty tools to trial advertising, pay per downloads and subscriptions on podcasts.
The plan is to track metrics which will be manna from heaven if advertisers can make podcasting work. You only have to ask radio industry insiders in the UK about the problems of audience metrics. This obviously won't resolve that, but it may make traditional radio advertisers thinking of experimenting with podcast ads sit up and take note of the accountability this will offer. Interestingly, Audible also intend to employ copy protection technology which will control how and if podcasts are shared.
So what's in it for Audible? Well according to Heather Green "they will make money off the tools through licensing or revenue shares from the subscription or advertising."


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