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18 October 2005

A Simple Description of What Your Blog Is About

Following on from my previous post and my little rant about blog descriptions which I have republished below for reference - I was pleasantly surprised to find this great example of how it should be done. Blogging Help have succeeded in providing a simple and succinct synopsis that tells you everything you need to know about the site immediately. Perfect for a first time visitor like myself.
Here's my rant again in case you missed it!
"It sounds ridiculous but I can assure you that I was astounded at how many top 500 blogs had no description of their principal themes. I can hear shouts of "it's in the title stupid". Well, just trust me, quite often it isn't. Alright, a life blog is likely to be eclectic but why not say so or at least give some hints as to what your majoring on. It makes it so much easier for someone dropping on your page for the first time."


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