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12 October 2005

35% of A-list Blogs Have Multiple Income Streams

From our previous revenue analysis post it was apparent that there are an array of income raising measures that can be used to monetize your blog. The bulk of A-list blogs which operate commercially, tend to plum for the ubiquitous Adsense, but how many use a combination of revenue tools? Based on our observation analysis of the Ads On Blogs 500 we were able to extrapolate the following figures:

It's interesting to note that 30% of A-list blogs err on the side of caution by utlising only one revenue tool. I think it's a case of "less is more", as there can be a real danger of content being clogged up by a plethora of ads and affiliate schemes. It was also apparent from our observations that many of the more successful blogs are quite skilled at blending various revenue tools into their pages.

Those A-list blogs that do opt for a strategy of multiple revenue tools seem to rarely venture beyond using a tandem combination, the most popular of which are listed below:

Health Warning - For those looking into operating multiple ad programs - be vigilant of your TOS!

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